§ 27-1004b
- Materials available: Aluminum Sign Or Plastic
- Size 8.5″ Inches Wide X 4″ Inches High, Custom Sizes Available
- Mounting: Sign available with or without mounting holes in each corner. Sign available with Foam Mounting Tape.
- Sign Corners: Sign available with Rounded Corners or Square Corners
- Colors: Sign is made in Black with White Letters, White with Black Letters, Brushed Aluminum (silver color) with Black Letters, Brushed Gold with Black Letters, Custom Colors Available
$32.95 Per Sign + $10.00 Shipping
§ 27-1004b
b. In place of posting inspection certificates in those locations specified in subdivision a of this section, certificates may be kept in the on site building manager’s office. In a building where this option is elected, there must be a building manager’s office open during normal business hours, and there must be posted in each location specified in subdivision a of this section a notice in a frame with a transparent cover, or a plaque with an indelible inscription, stating that the inspection certificate is located in the building manager’s office and identifying the location of such office.