Category Archives: NYC Apartment Signs
NYC Apartment Signs
New FDNY Rules For Fire Safety Guides Checklists And Close The Door Notice Deadline
The following article was originally published in the New York Real Estate Journal. To view the original news story click here The FDNY has just formalized a new rule 3 RCNY 401-06, entitled, “Fire and Emergency Preparedness Guide, Checklist and Notices.” The FDNY adopted this new rule to implement the provisions of Local Laws 114 […]
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This article was originally published here. There are special areas of concern when it comes to fire safety in apartment buildings. Families in apartment buildings live close together; affecting each other’s risks associated with fire. While the chances of a fire starting in an apartment are about the same as in a private home, apartment […]
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July 13, 2017 – Fire Department rules designed to assist first responders. The to-do lists for co-op and condo boards just keep on growing. Heres the latest addition: the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) has passed a rule that requires multi-family dwellings to place reflective signs on all apartment and stairwell doors to assist […]
Continue readingMany Residential Apartment Buildings Have Ignored New Safety Requirements Due To Ignorance Of New Rules
On June 1st of 2016 a new rule enforced by the FDNY was made a local law requirement. 3 RCNY 505-01, Apartment and Guest Room Identification and Directional Markings and Signs, set new requirements for the design and placement of entrance door room markings for all residential properties in Group R-1 and Group R-2. These […]
Continue readingResidential Apartment Buildings And Hotels Must Pay Attention To New FDNY Safety Requirements
In June of 2016, a new rule enforced by the FDNY was made a local law requirement. 3 RCNY 505-01, Apartment and Guest Room Identification and Directional Markings and Signs, set new requirements for the design and placement of entrance door room markings for all residential properties in Group R-1 and Group R-2. These new […]
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New York City residential property owners and managers must be aware of a new local law requirement effecting their properties. Residential Owners will need to install newly required, Apartment and Guest Room Identification and Directional Markings Residential building owners are now required to install signs at entrance doors for all dwelling units (apartments, guest rooms […]
Continue readingNYC FDNY Rule 3 RCNY 505-01 Requires New Apartment Signs
Real Estate Weekly recently published an article that discusses the new New York City (NYC) Fire Department New York (FDNY) rule RCNY 505-01 that requires new apartment signs. You can read their article here: See our press release here:
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The links shown below demonstrate the need to comply with 3RCNY 505-01 “Apartment and Guest Room Identification and Directional Markings and Signs,” and 3 RCNY 505-02, entitled “Apartment, Guest Room and Stairwell Fire Emergency Markings”
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